It was 10th Sep, Monday and I was on my way to office. It was my habit to switch on my phone at home and then let all POP based emails load which were configured on my phone as it was almost a 1 and 1/2 way from home to office. I reached office and checked my pocket to get phone and I was unhappy to find that I lost my phone. It was Nokia 7210 Supernova which I was using during my college days and I was very unhappy to find out that I lost my phone.
I called up my mother and told her that I lost my phone so she would not be worried calling again and again and getting switched off message. It apparently got stole rather than calling I lost it. I was searching the whole week to get a good phone now which will support all the internet needs.
Then came 15th Sep, 3rd Saturday of month and also Engineer`s Day, I then thought of getting a phone today itself as holiday would count in for a work to be done. I went to mobile store and said that I want a phone that has my 3 requirements met (i) 3G, (ii) WiFi and (iii) GPS, He then told me about a new model which I too was searching but didn`t hope it would be in market. It was Sony Xperia Tipo – ST21i…..ICS and a lot more to be explored in just 10K INR. I was happy to get ICS so cheap and came back home, configured it to access my WiFi and started downloading apps that I always wanted from Play Store and now I`m 24 hours online and don`t even feel to switch on my laptop to check mails or other work. I check my Yahoo mails, chat on Yahoo, Tweet, Instagram, check currency rates and a lot more on it….. 🙂